• Bonjour! I am en France. Itā€™s nice. Iā€™m writing this in a text editor rather than on Github so that the uber crims, who are studying my every move, donā€™t work out weā€™re not home and steal my Peugeot Richard ā€˜doping before lance made it coolā€™ Virenque road bike (Itā€™s not an especially great bike but the brake cables do go inside the crossbar which is noice šŸ˜™šŸ‘Œ)
  • We flew here and I got a bit cross at airport security when the attendant asked me to remove my shoes, but wouldnā€™t help me by holding the baby, having just huffily sent Lachie somewhere else telling him he wasnā€™t allowed to come with us.
  • Does every French holiday property have to have a Mr Bean DVD by law or is it just best practice?
  • Peers at Twitter Oh are we having the CSS argument again? OK.
  • I really want to be someone who claps on the 2-4. I know itā€™s the right beat to clap on (with the hi-hat). But instinctively I go for the 1-3. Iā€™m over 30, itā€™s time for me to stop pretending about this.
  • This is a good writeup of the BA hack via Dan Williams. Whenever I read about these exploits, I naturally think about them in terms of the FT. What percentage of FT.com developers would have spotted the malicious code? Would I have spotted it? Could we be compromised in the same way? Of course Iā€™m supposed to answer ā€˜noā€™ to that last question. I know a bit about how our payment forms work and theyā€™re very tightly regulated in terms of which scripts are running on them, however, Iā€™m sure the BA developers thought the same thing.
  • Alex Russell wrote a blog post. Itā€™s quite long, it took me several trips to the loo to read the whole thing, but it was a good read. I really loathe ā€œdeveloper experienceā€ as an argument for doing anything. Mainly because it is usually employed by cry-babies who donā€™t want to do things they think are boring. It did set my brain spinning onto how team cultures are created and how you get developers to take pride in the less flashy aspects of their work. That could be test coverage, documentation, cyber security, site reliabilityā€¦ GDS did a good job of that I think, and I hope I led the Origami team to work in the same way.
  • [APROPOS OF NOTHING] It is a kindness to mute people on twitter.
  • This is good video via Tom Stuart.
  • So far, the foxes have left my plants alone.
  • There is a kid in our neighbourhood who once saw Lachie with a bicycle and now pops round every couple of months with some bike or other which heā€™s trying to fix up. This boy must be about 12 but heā€™s so bold. Heā€™ll just walk right up and hammer our doorbell like he doesnā€™t give a shit. Itā€™s very sweet to see Lachie explaining bike things to him and giving him bits and bobs for his bike ā¤ļø

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